Join us for the "COVID REDO" of the 30th Annual BOMA Idaho Golf Tournament and a beautiful day at Banbury! Tournament will take place on September 9th 2021.
Due to Covid19 there will be changes to the normal format following best practice and guidance for in person events.
This eventbrite page will be open until June 30th to allow for registration. Another seperate link will be created for additional registration up to End of August.
Golfers Registered by 8/31/20 qualify for a ticket to the Free Golf Club Giveaway! Must be present to win!
The actual Golf Tournament will take place Thursday September 9thth 2021
Driving range and putting green activities, mulligans, raffle prizes and a great day with colleagues and friends in BOMA. Proceeds from the tournament help fund local educational opportunities, BOMA conference registrations and more!
Hole sponsorships and team spots still open! Active Hole Sponsorship companies can compete in the "Best of Tournament" contest - and win a free hole sponsorship for next year.
Want to sponsor but can't be at the hole that day? Choose a GIMME hole sponsorship! Your company name/logo will appear on all event signage, printed and electronic materials, and on the BOMA Idaho website. A tee sign with your company logo will be placed at the hole the day of the event.
Want to donate something for the swag bags? Contact us at
See you on the green!