2023 In Review

As we wrap up another year, we at BOMA Idaho want to extend our deepest thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped make 2023 another fantastic year for our organization and Idaho's commercial real estate industry.

First, thank you to our dedicated partners and sponsors. Your continued support and collaboration is invaluable in allowing us to organize top quality events, trainings, and other member services year after year. We are proud that so many industry leaders see the impact of investing in BOMA and our members.

We also want to recognize our impressive lineup of speakers, panelists and other volunteers who donate their time and expertise to our conferences, awards programs, committees, and more. BOMA thrives on this spirit of volunteerism and community leadership and we are so grateful.

Of course, the core of our organization is our loyal membership base and board members. Thank you sincerely for your involvement, enthusiasm, and commitment to advancing the industry with BOMA Idaho. On top of this, the numerous other volunteers make everything we do possible.

And finally, thanks to all the CRE professionals and companies who participate in, sponsor, and support BOMA events year round. Your dedication makes Idaho's commercial real estate community one of the most collaborative and meaningful to be part of.

Here's to another year of continued education, networking and leadership in 2024! We are already planning more great events because of all your support.


Spreading Holiday Cheer at the BOMA Idaho Annual Community Gift Giving Event


Donate Items to Interfaith Sanctuary